Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
Member Benefits Resource Hub
As safer at home measures start to relax and we focus on rebuilding, we continue to track the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and identify ways associations and members can lean on affinity programs for additional resources and potential cost containment solutions to help you face the future with confidence.
Areas of interest and concern expressed in a recent survey include:
reviewing and securing appropriate coverage
understanding e-commerce and shipping solutions
securing financing and working capital
leveraging virtually connectivity
purchasing PPE and cleaning supplies
stocking telework locations and restocking offices
identifying reliable travel essentials
Here are a few tips and ideas on how you can leverage Member Benefits and Savings during these challenging times and as you develop and implement new approaches and policies moving forward. To gain access to resources or receive additional information, please complete the "More Information" form.
Securing Coverage
Cyber Risk with a Mobile Workforce
In your response to the coronavirus outbreak, various employees and stakeholders will continue to work remotely causing increased pressure on your business's cybersecurity risk management. Click here for some suggestions for dealing with the increased cybersecurity risks arising from a sudden increase in your remote workforce.
Click here to view the Gallagher Cyber Risk Webinar Series.
Our Program is designed to provide the critical insurance coverage necessary to help protect busineses of all sizes from the high costs and effects of a cyber or other types of data breaches, as well as comply with state and federal regulations and costly penalties.
Key Small Business Coverages and Policies
While there may be limitations in available coverages, you should review the following policies with your insurance broker:
Workers Compensation
General liability
Directors & Officers (D&O)
Management Liability
Click here to get a free no obligation quote.
Our Program opportunities create custom solutions geared toward your unique needs as a small business.
Business Interruption
Travel accident
Understanding E-commerce and Shipping Solutions
Logistics and Supply Chain Resources
With sudden shifts in consumers’ expectations, perspectives and behaviors – find answers to your most challenging logistics and supply chain questions with the following collection of resources:
Top 5 Webinars from the UPS small business series “Things to Know and Do Now” to include e-commerce solutions.
Small businesses press pause on recovery according to a UPS study to measure the impact of COVID-19 on small and medium-sized businesses across the United States.
Learn from industry leaders and innovators about global trends reshaping the world of tomorrow.
Schedule a Free consultation to talk to an expert about your association member savings, shipping needs, e-commerce solutions, and business model to help grow the company.
How UPS is responding to the Coronavirus
Protect your shipments: Broader protection to include no upfront costs or deposits, reimbursement for full invoice of goods, and simplified billing. To receive this value-added benefit, simply enter the value of your goods in the declared value field of the shipping system.
Securing Financing and Working Capital
Working Capital Solutions and Ways to Increase Cash Flow
Working capital solutions provide cash for nearly any business need including bridging receivables, unexpected business expenses, payroll, marketing and more. Click here to uncover the benefits of financing through our Ascentium Capital program with additional exclusive offers available to members.
A Federal Reserve Study confirmed that the fastest growing payment type is credit card. What better time to learn how to leverage this trend to grow revenue, increase sales and cash flow, and strengthen member loyalty through our Unified Payment Group program. Click here to view Credit Card Surcharge FAQs.
Savings and solutions are available to help you contain cost and ensure financial stability.
Purchasing PPE and Cleaning Supplies
PPE and Cleaning Supplies
Masks, Sanitizer, Non-contact Thermometers, Face Shields, Office Supplies, and much more! In addition to member discounts, coupons and limited time offers, the Office Depot Program can help you:
GET THE WORD OUT: Open for business? Keep everyone informed with flyers, brochures, menus, signs, posters and banners.
CLEAN YOUR WORKSPACE: Help everyone stay healthier and more comfortable throughout the workday.
STOCK UP: Restock your office with all the essentials, from paper reams to paper towels.
Looking for easy ideas for your home office? These instant home office and flexible home workstation options can help.
Access to Technology, Virtual Connectivity, and Transportation
Technology Based Communication with Intrado: As we change the way we work and live, businesses are looking for new ways to stay connected and engaged virtually which includes re-imagining audio and web conferencing, staff gatherings, client meetings, and (virtual) conferences. In addition to your historical staff meeting, here are some ways coworkers are staying connected while they work from home.
Technology with Lenovo: Member-only savings to help you work remotely, secure distance learning essentials for family members and pass on technology savings to your clients to help facilitate televisits or remote meetings. Solutions feature security and sanitation.
Car Rentals: Whether being mobile and able to connect with communities is priority or your planning a much needed road trip, our member programs offer savings to help reduce expenses and deliver sanitized vehicles with flexible reservation options.
Keeping Engaged and Connected
We know it might seem like forever, but we want you to know we’re here for you. Keeping everything in order and keeping yourself safe and engaged can be quite a struggle. Here are some links to help bring you some joy and keep you in touch with the world.